What does appear in the Hellenistic era are angels. Malakbel who's name literally means "angel of Baal," and along with Aglibol, they were considered the "Holy Brothers" and "Holy Angels" of Baal Shamin. Even Dhushara had an angel, with an inscription saying "the god of Gaia and his angel Idaruma." Baal Shamin, in fact, heads a whole list of deities called "the children of the gods" which is reminiscent of the Book of Enoch which calls angels "the holy sons of God." At the beginning of the second century we start seeing Baal Shamin being called "Lord of Eternity" which reflects Baal Shamin's transformation from a weather and vegetation god only in the first millennium BC to the supreme god. This transformation parallels developments in astronomy. Astronomy, the study of the heavens, grew, so the Lord of the Heavens also had to grow and encompass more.